Thursday, July 14, 2022




In this era of modernization where social media and digital marketing have completely mesmerized the whole world, every third person is having access to digital technology in one form or another. Other than having our social interactions on daily basis, all of us are interested in knowing what is trending on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, TikTok, and other social media platforms. But how many of us are interested in knowing about the world outside the “what is trending world”.

The “what is trending world” is somehow different from the “real world”.  

Let me explain it in a simple way. It is a general trend nowadays to make and run trending hashtags on every platform of social media. The hashtags can be easily generated and promoted to the extent of including them in the category of trending hashtags. By using various social and promotional tactics, and techniques any opinion, phrase or word can be promoted to the level of making it a trend that may or may not necessarily be having any kind of imperative traits.

The trending trends on social media platforms may not have any factual existence in the real world. For instance, people belonging to different backgrounds may become part of spreading anything that they believe to be true, relevant, new, surprising, funny, or even justified. Politicians and other powerful groups use the trending hashtags culture to give maximum fame and benefit to their stakeholders. They even attack the reputation of their opponents and in an urge to let down one another, the minor and unnecessary specifics become the most trending rumors on social media.

The majority of the trends are usually generated for some underlying hypothetical or delusionary motives. Most of the hashtags are generated with the intention to make them the trends without even looking at the consequences of their spread.

We have to understand that whenever a hashtag becomes a trend on social media, it is not merely a hashtag, it contains a lot of associated stakes within. Consider a situation where a hashtag created by somebody against a popular political leader to assault him due to some personal grudges becomes a trending hashtag. The public who has no confirmation of the facts keeps spreading it until it becomes a popular rumor or a baseless truth.  One trending hashtag based on false spread on social media platforms can cause real damage to the associated person in several ways. One cannot even think of the extent to which it may create adverse impacts on the life of that person. His social, political, personal, official, and other related lifestyles get negatively affected and his reputation, credibility, and personality get afflicted badly with just a small hashtag.

We need to understand that whenever we hit and spread something about someone on social media platforms, it carries a multiplier impact on that identity and its associated life groups. When we become a part of spreading a certain trend, we also become a part of contributing to the consequences of making something a trend. Unless we are a part of the jury and deciding a verdict, we have no right to blindly follow anything and cause harm to another person, organization, or anything else which has an existence of its own. Just based on a few doubts and uncertainties, we should never be the reason to willfully cause malign to even the most notorious noun on earth.

Being a human being, it is your responsibility not to make a hashtag any kind of trend that could possibly harm anything in this Universe. If you can realize that social media has a strong influence over the lives of others, then you should also understand that real-life facts should never be manipulated on social media. Once misinformation and its consequences are spread on social platforms, they cannot be undone. Hence, in my opinion, what is trending should be our least concern as it might not be based on real facts. Rather we should keep our focus on learning the real knowledge of the real world in real ways. What is your opinion?

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