Thursday, July 14, 2022



Organizations are struggling hard for improving the mental well-being of their workers. For the past few years, organizations have been compulsory embedding into their corporate rules and culture about bringing mental prosperity to their employees. Many companies including large multinational companies are practically making implications in this regard and are providing distinct opportunities to their employees. For instance, to bring about social, emotional, and psychological stability among employees for working in a shared environment, many organizations exercise tactics like carrying out a periodic survey and getting feedback, providing mental assistance to the needy, and giving professional advice as per requirements. Some organizations go to the extent of providing health insurance policies and rest terms to the most deserving employees. However, many loopholes in these processes are present and a continuous need for bringing better strategies still exists.

Now the question arises why do employees even require the need to have mental health care? The world of research literature, surveys, and various kinds of analytical reports portray the reasons for the mental sickness of the organization’s employees. Various research and case studies have publicized that organizations burden employees with work overload and develop excessive stress to attain the given targets. The pressure to perform best in comparison, and the anxiety to get promotions, bonuses, and compensation further affect the mental health of the workers. A disturbed mental state of an employee is prone to the development of discontentment and dissatisfaction in employees. It also negatively affects the overall performance of employees. The leading research theories state that all these factors lead to an increase in employee absenteeism, turnover, productivity loss, and costs to the organizations.

Although an enormous amount of research studies for the betterment have been conducted and the proposed solutions have been implied in many corporate cultures, yet, the need to devise new strategies for the emerging mental issues shall also continue. Organizations practice strategies like job rotation and enrichment where the work duties of the employees are shuffled and revised respectively. They also provide a more relaxed cultural and social environment. These strategies are no doubt fruitful and effective, however, introducing some more effective and practically proven strategies will contribute something positive for the benefit of both the employees and the organization.

The 3 most effective strategies to build mental stability are;

Ice-Breaking and Brainstorming Sessions:

The bitterest truth is that despite all the flexibilities that organizations provide to their employees and all the surveys and feedback processes that they carry out, misses out on the important element, and that is the ice-breaking session of the employees in a shared working environment. The ice-breaking session holds the purpose to create familiarity among the participants of an event. Hence, when ice-breaking sessions are carried out frequently at various intervals in organizations where the employees from various departments and staff level positions gather around to get more familiarity and a sense of belonging. These kinds of sessions allow the workers of an organization to bring up their problems that negatively affect their mental health and then brainstorm over those issues to proceed towards a healthy conclusion. When employees discuss their work issues in the form of groups, they feel more secure and hopeful. The management and the authoritative bodies jot down all the problems and try to come up with their best possible strategies.

 Psychological Sessions:

When we were in school and college, we used to practice doing little prayers and listening to some motivational speeches by the school staff during the morning assembly sessions on a daily basis. The inspiring speeches used to work as fuel for the whole day for the students. Similar practice within organizations where psychological sessions are conducted periodically in various departments of the organization allows employees to get their mental issues catered to along with having a sense of being important to the organization. In these kinds of sessions, the organization must bring up the psychological experts to hear employees’ issues in general and present to them unbiased and honest reviews for improving the intellectual well-being of the workers. The sessions must be interactive and refreshing.

Complaint Session:

Most of the time, employees hesitate to complain in private or open about something that mentally drains them at work.  When an organization practices a complaint session which is usually set as a complaint week in each month, then employees feel authoritative to confidentially launch their related complaints and sets themselves hopeful about the consequences. As a result, the authoritative persons dig into the real issues and bring about mental peace to the employees.

All these three strategies have worked like wonder when I, as an authoritative person, applied them in those organizations where I have been working. Although these strategies seem to be simple yet it creates an effective corresponding culture in an organization when implemented along with other common and traditional strategies for mental stability and hence, it gives a boost to employees’ overall mental status. 

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