Friday, August 5, 2022




Generally, whenever employees work more progressively and enthusiastically in an organization, they inevitably expect to get noticed and appreciated by the top management and other related administrators. When organizational employees strive harder to meet the given targets and the set goals, they show a natural tendency to expect greater thankfulness and honor from their workplace in addition to the promised benefits and awards from the organizations. Therefore, organizations try to put great efforts into improving their relationships with their employees making the workplace more comfortable for them.


Appreciation and thankfulness can be given to workers in various forms. For instance, many organizations provide their gratitude to their best performers by offering them better growth opportunities, job rotations, promotions, and replacements. However, employees seek verbal appreciation and admiration even more in addition to rewards for good performance. 


So what should organizations do to satisfy the appreciation urge of their employees? How should they respond to their expectations?


In my opinion, which is largely based on knowledge bases and working experiences smart employers must always try to provide their employees, especially, the best performers with strategic gratitude. Strategic gratitude in my working experience as an employer consists of verbal appreciation being strategically aligned with organizational culture. It includes the involvement of organizational strategic authorities to carry out the process of appreciation in close collaboration with the employees. The process is needed to be carried out in both formal and informal ways. Since organizations are busy carrying out formal official procedures on daily basis, providing formal processes of appreciation on daily grounds may not be possible for many organizations. Therefore, I recommend organizations design and operate chunks of strategic employee gratitude programs periodically.


Now, what does this strategic employee’s gratitude program consist of? Here is a brief overview of what essential elements it should contain. Organizations may alter the elements as per their organizational needs. In addition to what an organization discusses about the goal of achieving perks with its employees, special appreciative measures must be taken by the authoritative personnel in this regard. For instance, conducting appreciative programs inviting the best performers to give a speech and have dinner, uploading their success stories as a part of an organizational social platform, and displaying the best performers’ records on billboards of various organizational departments, creating a moment of applause formally and informally for the achievers, giving a free short trip or vacations to the extra-ordinary performers, holding their special conversation sessions with the top management, allowing them to grasp more lucrative or luxurious offers by setting new strategic targets to be achieved by them, allowing them to write for the organizational newsletter or magazine, and so one.


One can think of new and better appreciative measures for the employees where they are being offered new opportunities to win in return for achieving new strategic goals. Organizations must try to make them feel splendid working for the organization where they get new chances to learn, improve and get better recognition for achieving more strategic targets. Employees who feel a sense of engagement with the organization tend to perform better. This raises their level of satisfaction and retention within the same workplace.  


    Generally, whenever employees work more progressively and enthusiastically in an organization, they inevitably expect to get noticed...